Silicon Dielectric Grease - Smoother running, more responsive & less smokey TDI!!


Active Member
Oct 28, 2006
I am having great difficulty removing my MAF plug.

I have a 2003 cordoba. I have tried pushing in at the bottom and pulling etc and cant seem to get it to unplug.

I dont want to be too aggressive with it incase I break it.

can sum1 help me :(

MAP and N75 today

what are the MAP and N75 and where r they located in a 2003 TDi cordoba/ibiza?


The N75 looks like this on a TDI


On a leon it is at the back of the engine bay, screwed into the bulkhead. Not sure about other models, but it may well be the same.

The MAP sensor is usually screwed into the top of the intercooler, this is a pain to get to on most models. I did mine at the same time as removing and cleaning out my intercooler.

There is a little tab on the front of the MAF plug, the one furthest from the MAF than needs to de pushed up, at the same time as pulling the plug off. That’s probably not much help, but I don't know how to better describe it!


Think it varies depending on model, but the photo below is from my Golf PD 130 2003 year. I assumed the Leon was the same.


Full Member
Jul 13, 2006
I am having great difficulty removing my MAF plug.

I have a 2003 cordoba. I have tried pushing in at the bottom and pulling etc and cant seem to get it to unplug.

I dont want to be too aggressive with it incase I break it.

can sum1 help me :(

what are the MAP and N75 and where r they located in a 2003 TDi cordoba/ibiza?

You've indicated you already know where the MAF sensor plug is, so place your index finger underneath the plug and you will feel a plastic tab.

Pull the tab gently towards you ( don't press in or out, just toward you) and at the same time pull out the plug, the pressure on the tab will release the plug. It is a lot simpler than reading this believe me. :)


Active Member
Oct 28, 2006
I done it !!!! :) :) :) :) ;)

I dont think I will try to locate the N75 and MAP.

Next time im talking to a mechanic I will ask him :)

Maybe at my car maintenance class on Friday Night :)

thank you all for your help :D


Spanish Donkey
Mar 10, 2006
tried it tonight, and its made it alot smoother, also done it on my mates A3, and he said there was a difference tooo!! nice work lads, keep it up!


Got some from ebay and tried it last night on the MAF. Can't say I noticed much improvement but I don't think I had any problems before. But it did seem to start a little easier this morning ;)

When I get my FMIC fitted I reckon the MAP sensor gonna get a good coating :D

Thanks for the good advice anyway it should reduce the chance of it going wrong in the future. :clap:


4 8 15 16 23 42
Dec 23, 2004
I haven't noticed it starting any easier but the low speed jerkyness when cold has gone so I'm happy.

Timmy Turtle

Wahey I found 2 large tubes in my old toolbox from when i worked on helicopters :)


Active Member
Feb 11, 2006

I have "clean" the MAF terminal on my girlfriend polo TDi after washing the car this morning but without the dielectric grease....WOW the engine has been transformed....really smooth. Wish I knew that before!!!:funk:
I thought it was my I did not say anything to her when I got home.

She just got home from tesco now....and she is telling me that we should clean the car more often as it feel really nice to drive.......
She even told me the acceleration is smooth as her previous petrol car!!!!!!!!!
So THE CAR IS MUCH SMOOTHER NOW AND THIS IS THE PROOF THAT IT WORKS ...Going to get some di-electric grease on ebay later :D

Done it on the FR will drive to work tomorrow and evaluate !!!
The car is a bit rough in the early morning normally. Cant wait!!!![B)]
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